Bezeichnung der OE/DE

Ensemble Boxplot Meteograms

-1 Run
+1 Run
  Show post-processed data
Snow Rate*
Precipitation Rate
Accumulated Prec
10m-Wind Mean and Gust
Mean Sea Level Pressure
Total Cloud Cover
Direct Downward Radiation
Diffuse Downward Radiation
Integrated Water Vapour*
Mixed-Layer CAPE*
Bulk Shear 0-6km*
Meteogram not available
Grid point information for the meteogram on the left:
Plot not available
circle = city location, red triangle = selected grid point
-1 Run
+1 Run
  Show post-processed data
Snow Rate*
Precipitation Rate
Accumulated Prec
10m-Wind Mean and Gust
Mean Sea Level Pressure
Total Cloud Cover
Direct Downward Radiation
Diffuse Downward Radiation
Integrated Water Vapour*
Mixed-Layer CAPE*
Bulk Shear 0-6km*
Meteogram not available
Grid point information for the meteogram on the left:
Plot not available
circle = city location, red triangle = selected grid point
Couple together runs
Couple together cities
Couple together variables
00/12UTC-runs update around 05:35/17:35CET
06/18UTC-runs update around 12:35/00:35CET
*Variables that are available only for the 00/12UTC-runs

List of available post-processed variables (due to available observations):

  • Karlsruhe:
    2m-Temperature, Accumulated Prec, Precipitation Rate, 10m-Wind Mean and Gust, Mean Sea Level Pressure, Total Cloud Cover, Direct Downward Radiation, Diffuse Downward Radiation
  • Mainz:
    2m-Temperature, Accumulated Prec, Precipitation Rate
  • Munich:
    2m-Temperature, Accumulated Prec, Precipitation Rate, 10m-Wind Mean and Gust, Mean Sea Level Pressure, Total Cloud Cover
  • Berlin:
    2m-Temperature, Accumulated Prec, Precipitation Rate, 10m-Wind Mean and Gust, Mean Sea Level Pressure, Direct Downward Radiation
  • Hamburg:
    2m-Temperature, Accumulated Prec, Precipitation Rate, 10m-Wind Mean and Gust, Mean Sea Level Pressure, Total Cloud Cover, Direct Downward Radiation, Diffuse Downward Radiation

The graphics, page design and navigation were done by Marco Wurth. The post-processing of the data was done by Benedikt Schulz.